Name Pyrokinesis
Other Names Fire Manipulation
Type Psychokinesis
Pre-ability Telekinesis
Sub-abilities Pyrogenesis, Pyrokinetic Resistance
Uses To control thing to make them warmer, burn and then control that

Pyrokinesis is the psychic ability to manipulate and speed up the atomic state to the point of combustion. Users can freely generate, shape, and manipulate fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire. Depending on the substances alight, and any impurities outside, the color of the flame and the fire's intensity will be different. The user can also completely control the temperature of the fire at will.

One usually begins manipulating a candle's flame. In more advanced practices one can extinguish a candle flame or reignite a flame that has went out and generate Fire as so as being Immune to it, And can even manipulate heat in form of a Hot Weather Phenomena. Pyrokinesis is a branch of psychokinesis. Another common name for Pyrokinesis is "Flame Manipulation".

Pyrokinetic Techniques

Pyrokinesis is the psychic ability to speed up of the naturally occurring vibrations of atoms in matter to alter temperature, possibly to the point of ignition if combustible. At low levels, one could move a candle back and forth. At a higher level, one could put out the flame or making it relight using only the mind. Pyrokinesis is one of the more practiced powers like telekinesis. It could be useful too, for warming people up or setting things a flame. Some training methods are posted below. Pyrokinesis is also known as Heat Manipulation or Fire Manipulation.

After starting pyrokinesis, by time you will feel very cold or hot. Don't worry you won't get sick and it will pass after one week.



Pyrokinetic training

Get Comfortable With Fire

Try looking at it, feeling its heat. Try getting your hand closer to it, wicking the heat away, then moving even closer.

How to Practice Pyrokinesis

An exceptionally powerful aura is necessary for pyrokinetic ability. Like I mentioned earlier, it also requires willpower and concentration. You are to focus on the fire and command it to do what you want. There are several meditation techniques that can be used to achieve this. First, choose a location where there is no air current. Have a clear intention. Meditate for at least 15 minutes to calm your mind.

The following are examples of pyrokinesis techniques.

Light a Matchstick Technique


  • Get your matchsticks ready.
  • Light one of them and focus on the flames.
  • Try to create a connection between you and the flame.
  • Imagine that the flame is jumping out of the matchstick.
  • Do that repeatedly until you have mastered the process.

Candle Flame Technique

  • Light a candle, focus on the flame and establish a connection between the flame and your mind.
  • Close your eyes and visualize the movement of the flame for some minutes.
  • Feel its strong energy within you.
  • Open your eyes and focus on the flames again.
  • Try to move the flame to a side. Visualize this in your mind.
  • Move your finger left and visualize the flame moving to the left. Also, move it right, up and down until a connection is created.


Don’t expect to be successful in your first trial. Pyrokinesis requires tremendous effort and will power. Depending on your concentration ability, it could take days or months before you can successfully move the flame. Just keep practicing.

If the above steps were successful, then you can try to move the fire with your mind. In further training, you would learn how to extinguish and reignite the fire.

Start Fire Technique

To ignite a flame, perform both the Invoking Fire and the Heat Meditation, then direct the energy you produce to your palm chakras.

Alternatively, visualize the heat in the room increasing until it starts a fire and burns everything. At the end of this visualization, if done properly, the room should feel hotter.

Also, it is important to learn how to put out fires before learning how to ignite them. Extinguish Fire Technique

There are two main ways to do this. The first method is to slow down the movement of the molecules while the other is to make the fire jump off the wick and disappear in the air.

Fire is caused by the rapid movement of the molecules. To extinguish the fire, visualize the molecules moving slowly until the fire is extinguished.

If you prefer working with the second method, focus on the flame. At this point, you must have learned how to move the flames from side to side. Once you feel a strong connection between you and the flame, just make the flame jump out of the wick and watch as it gets extinguished in the air.

How would you understand that a connection has been created between you and the flame? Actually, this connection is difficult to explain because it is a unique feeling. When you focus intensely on the flame, you will experience a peaceful state of mind where only the flame exists. When the connection is strong, you can easily control the flame as if it was a mere extension of your body.


Manipulating fire requires time, strength, and energy. You can start small by practicing with a matchstick. The latter techniques are very difficult; only a few pyromaniacs have been able to practice them.

To reduce the risks associated with this form of magick, the practitioner must be healthy and emotionally stable. Eat and rest well before every session.

As a beginner, you must be careful because practicing pyrokinesis can be dangerous to you and others, especially if you have no control over it.

Dancing Flame

The Dancing Flame exercise will allow us to put out and/or relight a fire with nothing more than the wave of a hand. First, we light a match. Realize the kinesis concept--that all is one. Now we make a tunnel between your mind and the flame. Remember,we are the fire. Now will(command) the fire to go down. Concentrate hard. Eventually,with enough will power and concentration, the fire will burn out. Now we have done the easy part. The hard part is getting the ember to relight. Now will (command) the barely visible flame (that's out) to grow. Make the flame rise, and get hotter and hotter. After a while, with enough will power and concentration, the dead match will glow red. We have mastered only a match size flame, though.Our new objective should be to master larger flames.

Psi Ball

This is not a Pyrokinesis training but you must be able to perform it very well to be able to do Pyrokinesis. To make a psi ball use friction from rubbing your hands together; after you are good enough stop using it and just go to the next step. Next have your hands in a claw shape and start putting your hands together in a ball shape, not quite touching, then taking them apart and keep doing that. After that you have to program it. You have to think of words, smells, sounds, images, and everything that goes with a certain thing (ex. fire, light, etc.). This tells the psi ball what to do. Lastly you have to shell it. This is where you make a shell of energy around it.

Fire Fuse

Converting your energy into thermal energy is very simple, just visualize this energy being converted into heat.  

Heating Up

You can do this with a thermometer or judge. The increase in heat by yourself, visualize of the particles in the air speeding up, moving faster, releasing more and more energy. After this you visualize of a thermometer going higher and higher until it shatters. Then, think of an oven heating up this space. After that, visualize of a small ember catching the space into a small fire. Then, visualize of that small fire getting bigger and bigger and bigger until it is a huge bonfire in your head. Use any of these to do this. It works better when you do all of them. In a small enough place after enough training it will burst into flames.  

Dancing Flame

Have a lit candle or other fire, focus on it and try to create a tunnel between you and the flame (or you can focus on the candle moving without making the tunnel) then focus on the candle and send programmed energy (sort of like the psi ball. just program the energy instead of making ball and then programming) telling it to move in the direction you want it to move in. You can also use this technique to put out candles or other fires, just make the tunnel (once again that is a choice), and program it to decrease the heat or cover it up so no oxygen can get to it.  

Dancing Flame (other exercises)

Just concentrate on moving it in a certain direction, make it move in one direction, then the other, make it spin, make it move off of the candle and spin it in a wheel of fire, make it spin the other direction, make it bigger, then smaller, then put it out by envisioning it going out. Then try to relight it. It may not relight at first, but after a few weeks, it should start to work. Theoretically, you could also super-heat the fire, or make it spin in a flaming ring.  

Fire Shield

To make a Fire Shield you concentrate on getting as much energy into your body as you can (ki breathing) after this you must convert all of the energy in there to fire energy. Think of your body burning. Now project all of that energy into the space in front of you as a wall. Make it so that the energy moves to defend the place a blow is aimed at.  

Heat Ball

Convert your energy into heat and then make a psi ball. ( It should be hot.)

This isn't fire but it is related to fire which is heat what you have to do is create a Psi Ball program the energy to be hot and if you can't feel heat just recall your memories about you feeling hot or you getting burned and channel that memory into your psi ball to make the ball know what it feels like now visualise the psi ball turning red which resembles heat and if you feel your hands or the energy getting hot it means that it's working (edited by FireBoy1012)

Internal Temperature

First you must think of yourself and the air around you burning intensely. Then imagine all of the air around you exploding into you making yourself hotter.

Another way is Creating a Psi Ball and making it big enough to cover you whole body like a shield then visualise and recall your memories about you feeling hot or you getting burned and channel that memory into your psi ball to make the ball know what it feels like now visualise the psi ball that is covering your body turning red and if you feel warmer it is working. This is good against cryokinesis if you are battling against them and feel very cold or your in the winter.

Push Energy

Here is a way that you can put out flames. You make a lot of energy in your hands, and then thrust it at the flame.


Make a Psi-ball (program it to be warm, make more energy, increase in heat a lot and finally program it with flame) then start focusing on your hands as though you were going to create fire in them. You mix the psi with the fire energy (do not just let them bend around each other you must actually make it one energy). Keep focusing on it until it actually catches fire.  

Create Fire

Get in a comfortable position with nothing on your mind, no noise, nothing to distract you. Then cup your hands with one over the other having a bubble of air in between them (hole pointing sideways not up) all of the heat would leave otherwise... Visualize energy rushing through hands; throbbing with energy ... then, visualize the air particles moving harder; hitting the place in between my hands even more putting out energy there... then visualize a thermometer going up until it shatters... after, envision an oven heating up the space in between my hands... then envision a small ember being blown on...getting larger, glowing more and more... then envision a small flame getting larger into a larger flame until only that huge flame is in thoughts.

Inferno Disc

Start off with a Destructo Disc (to make one, make a ki ball and imagine it spinning and becoming a disc. You should be able to throw it), but when you first make the Ki ball, introduce Flame energy to it. Visualize the ki ball burning as is spins and spreads out. You now have a Inferno Disc. Think of Axel's chakrams in Kingdom Hearts. These will be similar.

Temperature Rise ( Of Area )

This is like the exact opposite of the Cryokinesis exercises for lowering the temperature in an area. To start out, stand in a relaxed position, close your eyes, and focus. Picture the air around you seeming wavy because of heat in the area. Try to feel the heat on your body, picture yourself very hot and sweaty. You could also picture a thermostat raising. This could raise the temperature in the area a bit.    

Fire Blast

Place your hands at your sides as to perform an advanced ki blast. Charge up the ki into your palms but also visualize being engulfed in fire surrounding you. Let the flames build up and collect between your palms. Merge the ki in your hands with the fire between your hands. You should feel heat unless you are an advanced student (who should see a flame). Shoot your hands forward at the target and visualize the fire coming off your hands (just like shooting a psi ball) Warning If you aren't prepared the flame can also attack you.    

Fire Blade

Make fire energy pool at your index finger and middle finger. Force all of it into the finger tips. Move your two fingers in a circle, making a small ring of fire. Then fill those same two fingers with ki. Then make a ring of ki in the middle of the ring of fire. Make three ki balls and but them in the middle of the ring of ki. Connect them with strings of ki and make a ki ball in the middle. Make the disc spin so fast that it creates the illusion of not moving at all. Finally, throw it.  

Fire Fuse

This is a exercise, similar to that of the Earth Fuse, which will combine your ki with the energy of the element of fire. To start out, get into a position that you normally use for Ki breathing or grounding. Picture the element of fire all around you, with it's energy floating all around, like when you are Ki breathing. Now perform a ki breathing Training, only take in the fire energy instead of ki. Picture it fusing with your ki inside your Dan Tien and all throughout your body, turning your energy a swirling red-ish color, or whatever color you wish to use. Now you can perform the Hii Tate if you wish...      

Fire Shield "Hii Tate"

This training is similar to the exercise in the Cyrokinesis section...Of course, with fire instead of ice. Before doing this exercise, you will need to perform the Fire Fuse exercise. Get into a wide stance to start. Now picture your Dan Tien, fused with that Fire energy, swirling red, or whatever color you wish to use. Now, command that fire energy to flow throughout all your chakras and your whole body. Picture it flowing through you, starting to radiate out of you. Now, explode the fire energy out of you, similar to a ki flame, only this time, instead of turning it into a flame around your body, picture it forming a huge ball of fire around you, forming into a shield. Keep adding energy to it until you think it is strong enough. This training works best if you are facing off against an opponent who uses Cryokinesis.    

Dragon Blast

The dragon blast Training is for an intense blast of concentrated heat for torching the enemy. It helps if you have experience in Pyrokinesis. First, get into the horse stance. Put your dominant hand in front of you, palm outward. Start drawing in fire psi for a ball. Create the psi ball with the fire mana. After this is done, concentrate hard on making all of your ki hot. After your ki is scorching, put it into your psi ball. No matter how hot your ki is, the psi will cool a little. Make sure that your ki does not overwhelm the psi ball. Only put a little ki into the ball. Now take every bit of the negative energy in you and make a shell over the ball. Do this twice just to be sure that all your negative energy has gone over the ball. Your hand should feel hot now. Now visualize the ball erupting into intense flames. Now fire it at the opponent as a beam, but instead of ki pushing out the ball, visualize a blast of fire pushing the ball to the opponent. When the ball gets to the opponent you can either just let it hit them or you can guide it inside of them and make it erupt into flames and explode inside of them. This is a very powerful tech to use and should be used as a finishing move to devastate your opponent or as a starting move to make them weary. If this tech is done right, you should have a small, reddish-purple circle in the middle of your palm, similar to the one with the super blue ball.    

Dragon's Breath

Perform the Fire Fuse Training. Then move the ki/fire energy to your throat chakra. Blow the energy out of your mouth and visualize the energy combustion into raging flames as it leaves your mouth.

Dragon's Soul

Perform the Fire Fuse Training. Move the energy to your hand. Move your hand around in a figure-eight motion. As you do that visualize the fire energy moving in a figure-eight motion like your hand. Visualize the fire energy taking the form of a Chinese-style dragon. Force the dragon towards your target, and visualize it burning the target to cinders.

Fire punch (added by Karlilos)

First do the fire fuse technique. Bring the fire energy to your fist. See the energy turning into fire itself (make sure it does not hurt you). Then punch your opponent and visualize the fire going through him/her. Be careful though, it may kill him/her if used with to much power for him/her to handle.  


Create a flame-ball or practice with another pyro-kinetic(throw them at one another) and add blues and shades of white. when the whole fire ball is white and blue then imagine it turning to ice. keep concentrating then make it shatter!

• Warning* this is a defense item only it will only keep you from getting hit with a flame-ball...

Prometheus Torment:

First channel fire energy into your hands and form it into chains. Then visualize them wrapping around the target and burning, scalding their skin. Then after one final inflaming of the chains even more intensely, release them.

Word of Warning: Please be careful when preforming any of the techs on this page. Pyrokinesis is very dangrous. Serious burns can occur if used wrong!

Thought Processes :

• An Oven heating it the space up.

• Flint and Steel making fire.

• An ember in some easily burning material (ex. cloth).

• A thermometer going up.

• The molecules going faster and faster and hitting the space harder .

• Energy flowing through your arms.

• Energy throbbing in you fingers (when I have enough energy it actually does throb).

• And bands of energy going from objects of heat (ex. light bulbs, people’s bodies) and going into that space (bands move faster and faster towards the space).

• Rushing air particles into the space giving off energy into the place transferring heat.

• Steam or smoke rising from you hands because of the hotness.

Energy Absorption Processes :

Sun :

Think of the sun; think about all of that energy in your head. Think of the heat, the pain, the amazing power, all of that. Now finally thrust your hands forward and release all of that energy into whomever or whatever place you want to put it or just keep the energy.  

Earth :

Think of the core of the earth how hot it must be that it would turn solid rock into gas except for the pressure. Think of that energy going up through your legs flowing into your arms, mixing with your energy, fire on fire and either use it to boost your power or release it for devastating effects.  

• Using a Ki Flame to help the energy flow well is a perfect way to help you through these techniques.

• To make them easier you can also make a pool of energy between yourself and a fire (best if big) and let energy flow back and forth to you.

Heat Vision :

This is not fire but related to heat. First Generate ki and visualize it as heat not fire then bring it up to your eyes and visualize a extremely hot beam of energy blasting from your eyes.(you might get tired if you do it for a long time) After You will be able to warm up anything or burn. objects
