
Psionics are those who can use telepathy, telekinesis, psi balls, cryokinesis, and other psychokinetic abilities with the use of the mind and command alone, Even psychic powers of the body. Everyone is naturally a psionic, but half of us doubt the reality of being a psionic person. Everyone has every psychokinetic ability, we just choose not to use them for whatever purposes. All psychokinesis abilities exist in the real world, and anyone can become a psionic because every person has psi energy and mind powers to do all this. Believe, practice, and help the planet be a peaceful place. Extra sensory percepiton is also part of the mind, which is the sixth sense we all have as well, but it is dormant and we can learn to use them again. We must bring happiness, peace, and care into this planet for other people. Skeptics are trying to prove us wrong about these powers, but one day, they will realize how powerful the mind is of the Galaxy.

Note: To have these abilities, you have to remove all doubt from your mind. then reprogram the subconsious mind to activate the powers, and then keep on training on them. These powers only exist to those who have a open mind and believe that this is possible to do.
