
There are many names and titles for the type of energy psions and psychics use in their daily life, and while these names change there are many aspects about it that doesn't and thats what this page will discuss.

Types of energy There are many different things that one can separate energy into, these different types are discussed further in their own pages, or as part of another page. A quick glimpse, is that there is generally said to be Psi, and Ki, or Chi, and there is also Prana, which some say is still Chi. Some believe that it is all one energy, there is no difference, simply how the energy is used or works. For more information about the particulars of an energy, look through the other pages this category links to.


Many people claim that the emotions of you and the people around you can effect your energy , making it darker, slower, muddier or lighter and more fluid and vise verse. This is a widely accepted fact about energy among psychics and psions all around the world. The more time you spend in or around people in sad and depressing states the darker your energy can become which will also effect your mood, while the opposite is also true that spending time around happier and more satisfied people can help make your energy lighter and more positive.
